THE ROAD TO THE DEAL - James Matthews


By James Matthews

  • Release Date: 2021-01-04
  • Genre: Personal Finance


The art of new vehicle buying is as old as... well, as old as the very first automobiles offered for retail sale. Just as cars and trucks have evolved immeasurably from those primitive beginnings, so have customer buying strategies AND the many ways dealer salespeople have employed to counter them. For a long time, the advantage was firmly on the dealer's side because the intricacies of pricing were, for the most part, a mystery to the average new car buyer. Those days are over, thanks to the advent of the internet and the so-called “information highway”.

Successfully navigating that highway, however, is a skill roughly akin to driving on a real highway: not everyone can do it but almost anyone can learn how! This book aims to impart those skills, compiled and distilled from the cumulative knowledge and experience(s) of auto industry professionals, dealership salespeople and managers, and everyday car & truck buyers just like you.