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  • The millionaires

    By JMac1212
    Great read! One of the best books I have read in a long time. Great from start to finish.
  • Blah!

    By Leagle1
    The book dragged on with difficult dialogue and unlivable characters. I finished it...and was glad to have it done. If Metzler hadn't droned on with boring and improbable conversations between the brothers and concentrated on the true issues driving the plot, the story would have been more enjoyable. Unanswered questions and the use of Disney world were major distractions to the book. Perhaps by including the "Mouse" The author hoped to get a screenplay deal. All in all it read like a bad and misguided screenplay for a television show.
  • Great read

    By AshManKy
    A little too much said with a look...but a good read nonetheless.
  • The Millionaires

    By Glftxi
    Very satisfying read. It showed a great deal of research into off shore banking. There was beautiful character development.
  • Irritating character

    By Azulreigna
    I started this book and could not finish because the character named Charlie was so irritating. The main characters were either yelling at each other all the time, running or sweating. I'm irritated that I spent $7.99 on this book.
  • Amazing

    By Nolds85
    Quite simply one of the best books I've ever read. You won't want to put this thing down. I've read three other Meltzer novels just because my girlfriend made me read this one... by far this is his best work in my opinion. Buy it. Read it. Love it