Red Storm Rising - Tom Clancy

Red Storm Rising

By Tom Clancy

  • Release Date: 1986-08-07
  • Genre: Mysteries & Thrillers
Score: 4.5
From 1,637 Ratings


From the author of the Jack Ryan series comes an electrifying #1 New York Times bestseller—a standalone military thriller that envisions World War 3...

A chillingly authentic vision of modern war, Red Storm Rising is as powerful as it is ambitious. Using the latest advancements in military technology, the world's superpowers battle on land, sea, and air for ultimate global control. It is a story you will never forget. Hard-hitting. Suspenseful. And frighteningly real.

“Harrowing...tense...a chilling ring of truth.”—TIME


  • A Very Gifted Author

    By Neptunes Trident
    This was the first book I read by Tom Clancy. I have read it a few times along with everything else he has written. The level of detail in all his books through massive change of the political map during his career shows the level of dedication he had to make everything he wrote so authentic and well-researched. Very sad to have lost such a gifted author.
  • Enjoyable, especially the air and naval warfare!

    By ipothrudfloor
    Some of the names are a bit hard to keep track of at times, and there are some dubious escapes from near certain death. Other than that, it was a great depiction of a NATO-Russian/Warsaw pact conflict. At times the acronyms are hard to relay, but there are multiple, clear, and interesting narratives. The naval combat, especially the submarines, and air combat descriptions are vivid and engaging.
  • Still Clancy’s best

    By mjdseattle
    I’ve been reading Tom Clancy for 30+ years. I’m revisiting old classics and forgot just how good red storm rising is on its own. In my opinion his best book.
  • Best Clancy Book

    By BPS112000
    I have read almost all of Tom Clancy’s books and this is my favorite by far! It has all of his normal tendencies to incorporate real military tactics and hardware while explaining most of it to the reader who isn’t up to snuff on their military doctrine. My biggest hope is that someone like Netflix or Amazon picks up the rights to the book and makes a 10-12 episode miniseries with each episode being between 1-1.5 hours as this book is so dense with information that anything less would leave out too much to are it enjoyable for those of us that have read the book. If you enjoy military thrillers do yourself a favor and pick this book up, you will blow right through it even though its pretty long. I have read it 4 times now and each time its taken me less than a week to go through it. My favorite Clancy book, and thats saying something as he has so many great ones, Hunt for Red October being a close second. Trust me, this is a must read!!
  • Red Storm

    By davidsm11
    Red Storm. Some of the names and titles were hard to keep up with. That made it more realistic. Great book.
  • Humm

    By Bedbugman
    Seems to be lacking toward the end
  • Superbly engrossing.

    By aikenlipiddoc
    Addicting military action, though keeping the characters straight was a bit of an inconvenience—but certainly a must. Thoroughly enjoyable, believably frightening, CLASSIC Tom Clancy. 5 stars, for certain.
  • A remarkable book would highly recommend

    By !!!!!!?$
    This book starts out slow but man does it get exciting! Had a hard time getting into it then couldn’t put it down.
  • Thrilling and exciting read

    By Johnhyman
    Thrilling and exciting read with several ever-changing stories and perspectives. Fantastic weaving of events and descriptions of technology.
  • 4th Time

    By TxDogstar
    Red Storm Rising is a great read and Clancy at his best. I read this book the first time in my early 20’s and continue go back to it and get more out of it each time I read it.