The Teeth Of The Tiger - Tom Clancy

The Teeth Of The Tiger

By Tom Clancy

  • Release Date: 2003-08-11
  • Genre: Action & Adventure
Score: 4
From 786 Ratings


Tom Clancy brings Jack Ryan's son—Jack Ryan, Jr.—to the forefront in this #1 New York Times bestselling thriller.

A man named Mohammed sits in a café in Vienna, about to propose a deal to a Colombian. What if they combined his network of Middle East agents and sympathizers with the Colombian’s drug network in America? The potential for profits would be enormous—and the potential for destruction unimaginable.

A young man in suburban Maryland who has grown up around intrigue is about to put his skills to the test. Taught the ways of the world firsthand by agents, statesmen, analysts, Secret Servicemen, and black-op specialists, he crosses the radar of “The Campus”—a secret organization set up to identify local terrorist threats and deal with them by any means necessary.

His name: Jack Ryan, Jr.


  • Meh

    By Sittingbull strongbear
    Slow start; empty ending. Worst Clancy yet. Stick with the original Jack Ryan and his cohorts and you’ll be good.
  • Real

    By mflgolf
    I hope we are doing this for real
  • The Teeth of the Tiger

    By nstepp9135
    This book is pretty decent. This is not your typical spy verses spy book like the previous books Tom Clancy had done with Jack Ryan. In this book, you begin to follow Jack Ryan’s oldest son, Jack Ryan Jr., as he enters the world of espionage. This book starts out at a pretty fast pace, but quickly comes to a very slow read as you work your way through details involving the behind the scenes work of espionage of the modern age, computers. However, as hard as it is to make it through all the day to day life of an analyst reviewing emails from the target group, Tom Clancy spins it around so that Jack Jr. goes into the field to assist the agents with up to date information and even finishes the job that they can not.
  • Amazing

    By Mr,'z
    Great book! Honestly, when I first looked at it it had mixed feelings. But this book is work your time.
  • Exciting

    By 6Falciparum
    It is well written an it hard to put. It was especially interesting when the used the nerve agent to kill the muslins.
  • Clearly ghostwritten

    By Sparkyhodgo
    This was clearly ghostwritten by a lesser author. The book lacks all the hallmarks of a real Clancy novel. The characters are shallow--there's no effort to understand the enemy or know his mind. And the technobabble is laughable. A Dell laptop with *firewire*, are you joking? It's like a grab bag of tech filler. Normally I give my used books to a friend but I threw this one away to make sure no one accidentally read it.
  • To call this book "wretched" would be overly kind

    By steve-n-melissa
    Seriously, one of the worst books I've ever read. Incredibly sloppy writing, poorly edited, trite, predictable... A complete insult to readers. Think I'm overstating things? Try this sentence (which begins a chapter) on for size: "The sun rose promptly at dawn." Think about the profound stupidity embodied that simple collection of six words. OF COURSE the sun rose at dawn - when else would it rise? That's what makes it dawn, Mr. Clancy: the sun rises. I'm not cherry-picking, either. The entire book exemplifies a by-the-numbers, formulaic approach to churning out pages that aren't clever, aren't accurate, aren't remotely worthwhile in any way. As Twinkies are to actual food, so this dreck is to actual writing.
  • I Liked It

    By ZetaLadyBleu1920
    I enjoyed reading this book and meeting the next generation in the Ryan family. But it's too short. Where is the next one!
  • Teeth decay

    By Riowill
    This book is limited by it's predictable plot and wooden characters. Although they are second generation, the key players have a distinct lack of depth and imagination. The book shows what can happen when an author becomes too commercial and turns to providing , more of the same to his readers. Even the techno in this technothriller lacks any real allure. Worse yet, it ends abruptly, shamelessly pandering for the sequel. Grade D.