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  • Another page turner by Deaver

    By Papillion727
    First, I noticed a review written in 2012 complaining that sixteen chapters had only one half page each. I'm sure the downloaded file was somehow corrupted and would advise anyone in that situation to contact iTunes for in assistance. I've read most of Deaver's books and must say I would never have guessed this ending. He is the master of twists and turns!
  • Roadside Crosses

    By AllDone411
    What again? Sixteen chapters with only half a page of text! This will be the last Jeffrey Deaver book I will download from iTunes library. To charge $9.99 for less than half a text is insufferable. I will dispute this charge on my credit card, because the paperback was the same price. I would suggest that Apple get its act together and screen the final versions of all iBooks before release to the public. This will be the last virtual novel purchase I make for a very long time. You can say, "Good-bye" to this reader.