Every Day a Friday - Joel Osteen

Every Day a Friday

By Joel Osteen

  • Release Date: 2011-09-13
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 4
From 354 Ratings


Experience the joy of God's message and begin each day with a positive outlook with these words of wisdom from Lakewood Church pastor and #1 New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen.

Research that shows people are happiest on Fridays. Now, learn how you can generate this level of contentment and joy every day of the week.

As a man who maintains a constant positive outlook in spite of circumstances, Osteen has described this message as a core theme of his ministry. With personal experiences, scriptural insights, and principles for true happiness, he'll show you how to find the same opportunities for pure joy that you experience at five o'clock on Friday.


  • He is not a Christian

    By Spherofan13
    This guy is not a Christian. He says he is but it's always "be happy for yourself" and not "be happy for God." His focus is all ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME ME. No Christian should read any of his books
  • Perfect Timing

    By Lisalu410
    This book came to me at a time when I really needed it. I learned so much and it was so inspirational to me during a very hard time in my life. I owe that to God and I owe it to Joel Osteen for writing this book and encouraging me to move forward at this valley in my life.
  • Great, uplifting read!

    By Sarah Henne
    Absolutely loved this book, can't wait to read more of Joel's books!!
  • Rethink

    By Bus81
    This book has really help me with how I think how I look at people I hope to see more books like this....
  • Lighten Up!

    By NoBitterness
    Some so-called Christians are the most bitter, unhappy people I've ever met. They are missing God's message and that's sad to me. If you find negativity in this book, or Joel, you really need to find a new pastor because you just aren't getting it. No, we can't be happy 100% of the time because there are times for mourning and other heartaches. If you don't have the common sense to understand that then no book will help you. I feel sorry for those who gave a negative review. You really need to ask God to change your bitter heart. WTG Joel! Great book and as always, great message!
  • I feel really good inside

    By R0M116
    I love hearing about myself all the time. I think good thoughts about me all day and do go things for others when I can stop thinking about myself and thats probably never. Gret job Joel on all your message, they are not very biblical or sound doctrine, But Hey who needs that anyway, the bible is a old book any how, maybe Joel should write a new bible and we could arrive and become Joelitians. YES...... I used to think about jesus, but after hearing Joel I thought to myself who needs jesus anyway I got Joel. And even better than him I got ME, and I feel fine.
  • Everyday a Friday

    By Miguel Allen
    Great book!!
  • Smile

    By Tayenglish
    This book will convince you to try to at a minimum catch yourself being negative. Over time, with practice I will be a more positive person. I won't feel guilty about my blessings because they come from God.
  • Positive energy

    By Bhppy1
    This book is helping me to realize my many blessings, it could not be any any easier. Only started reading this yesterday and already feel uplifted from my depression! Thank you Joel!
  • Reviews

    By Judy2342
    I hated to see it end. I truly enjoyed reading page after page as I began my morning. Joel sees the glass half full and has helped me continue to see life this way.