Break Out! - Joel Osteen

Break Out!

By Joel Osteen

  • Release Date: 2013-10-01
  • Genre: Christianity
Score: 4
From 287 Ratings


Rise above your greatest trials and discover the power of God's greatness with five simple strategies -- and step into the blessings of your life.

We were not created to live average, unrewarding, or unfulfilling lives. God created us to leave our marks on our generations. Every person has seeds of greatness planted within by the Creator. When life weighs upon us, pushes us down, and limits our thinking, we have what it takes to overcome and rise above into the fullness of our destinies.

In this dynamic, inspiring and faith-building new book, New York Times bestselling author Joel Osteen provides practical steps and encouragement for creating a life without limitations. This book will help you break out and break free so that you can increase your productivity, improve your relationships, and believe in bigger dreams. Here's how you can move beyond barriers:

Dare to believe that the best will happenAdopt an irrepressible "break out" attitudeMake room for increasePray bold prayersFollow God's plan beyond your circumstances

Filled with faith and inspiration, Break Out! will challenge you to build a new perspective, let nothing hold you back, and reject any limiting labels. Pastor Osteen will inspire you to see that a life-changing attitude begins in your own mind: "When you break through in your mind, believing you can rise higher and overcome obstacles, then God will unleash the power within that will enable you to go beyond the ordinary into the extraordinary life you were designed to live."



  • Great Read

    By snefiroth
    I highly recommend this book to those who feel stuck or like they will never accomplish their dreams. Even if you are not Christian you can get a lot out of this book. If you are Christian, however, you may or may not agree or accept his interpretation of the scripture and that’s ok. Overall, this is a great read if you feel like you have lost sight of your dreams and goals.
  • I absolutely love this hook

    By friendlytae
    Joel Osteen is a great inspiration to the kingdom of Hod speaking positive is healthy for us all I’ve been blessed !!!
  • Enjoyed

    By Bus81
    I really enjoy this book I have read three of his other books they are motivation for me to change me to be a better person if I had to give someone a gift I would pass this along
  • gross

    By Annoyed Customer 😒
    Jole doesn't even preach with a bible, all he does is spew out worthless pep talks. If I want a nice chat, I'll go to my grandma.
  • I love this book!

    By shorty mogorty
    Must have book! Brings you closer to God!
  • Awesome

    By Omaha092163
    Awesome reading...didn't expect anything less from Osteen. Very encouraging and uplifting...a must read!
  • God Bless Joel Osteen!

    By Screwtinizer
    A blueprint for a happy and fulfilled life through a personal relationship with God.
  • Breakout broke me out

    By MoRoxy
    Changed my life forever I know now that God is here for me and a great life is here now and on the way. Thanks Joel
  • Preaching for Dollars!!

    By pod700
    If you can claim to be Cristian, or at least have questions about the faith, Osteen is probably one of the last sources you'd want to refer to for your information. He preaches a prosperity gospel, which deals in bits and pieces of scripture that are taken grossly out of context. For example, his "if you believe, you can achieve" attitude could not be further from the truth. The Bible NEVER once states that in any way or form unless you bend the text to fit your needs. There are tons of other relevant resources that can help shape your understanding, but Osteen is far from an authority, or even reasonable teacher, on scriptures and Jesus Christ. I challenge and encourage anyone who believes his teaching to be sound to hold that up directly against the Bible to compare and contrast. Furthermore, read the entire book, or chapter with understanding of it's author and its audience and you will see Osteen is not much more than a snake charmer. With a huge church and massive worldwide audience, it is very easy for him to preach a pocket Jesus through convenient Christianity as a great means to achieve wealth. He does not preach sound doctrine from any known denomination and he is out to make yet another cash grab from those who are innocent enough to think he may have tangible information or those who just don't yet know the world of God and Jesus Christ.