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  • A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court

    By jelly bean - 17
    It took me a long time to wade through the whole story, but the journey was worth it. What a master storyteller Mark Twain was! To see the human condition laid out so well was disturbing, but how very necessary it is when we can get our noses rubbed in the muck and mire of the human condition. How true it is, that even with hindsight being 20/20, left to our own devices, the human race will continue to get it wrong. And yet, the P.S. at the end holds out the hope for redemption!
  • Great story

    By 1 a song of fire and ice
    To me this is mark twain's greatest story. Truly an epic tale. This should be made into a new movie.
  • Every American Should Read It

    By Fietsbode
    This is a book for children and adults or for adults to read to children. The protagonist falls asleep in New England in the 19th century and wakes up in England in the Middle Ages. I first read this book when I was about 10, during an infatuation with King Arthur and British history, and at the time novel's satirical approach disturbed me. Now I appreciate it. Connecticut Yankee is a work of science fiction, social criticism, and prophecy. It looks darkly forward to the trench warfare of World War I and backward at the absurd system of a hereditary aristocracy and monarchy. It champions the common man and the ingenious worker, but it does not romanticize them. It contains some unforgettable scenes, such as when the Yankee overcomes Merlin (science overcoming magic), scenes that will resonate with Harry Potter fans, but amusing and entertaining as it is, it is also profound and haunting. I was reminded of it by the recent debates about guns following the Newtown school shooting, because the title character of the novel is a gunsmith from the Colt factory in Connecticut.
  • Excellent

    By Cassidius1982
    It's great that Twain's stories can still entertain modern audiences. This is a very quick read and worth your time. Some of the earlier parts are a bit tough with all of the Old English