Don’t be scared
By Hudoduuddm
If you give this a low rating because he says there is no god. u lame. he is correct
Interesting, but not for all readers
By K.E. Bookworm
I admit, this book was intriguing. However, I did not finish the book because of the anti-God ideas in the book. It made me uncomfortable, especially with the cruel angel named Satan and the fact he said there was no God. If you are fine with this, then it is an interesting book, but definitely not meant for all readers.
The mysterious stranger
By Phoenix1972
I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was very thought provoking. I asked my husband to read it, just so I'd have someone to discuss it with.
It was disturbing at times, due to the foresight of the author. It actually gave me goosebumps a few times, because of its spot on depiction of the world and it's inhabitants of today.
I would not recommend reading this if you are tired, or looking for book to read in bed before sleeping. First of all, if you are tired, you will find yourself rereading a lot of paragraphs, and turning back to previous pages, to keep abreast of goings on. At least I did. And secondly, reading this book can cause some unusual dreams that can wake you in the middle of the night. Not necessarily nightmares, but uncomfortable feelings, none the less.
But that just comes from a book that gets inside your head, and any book that does that is a good book indeed.
This is also the first book I've read where I underlined certain parts. I did it so that I could go back to those parts later when they crept into my head and caused more questions or possible answers. It's that deep.
Read it and come up with your own questions and answers.
By Frankhoward12345
A truly exciting tale
By Nirioux
This book was the most fabulous piece of literature I have read yet. Deep thoughts and vivid characters, a tale for the ages.
By TommieCee
If you are a fan of Mark Twain than you must have read this story.. Unfortunately this is the bowdlerized version assembled by his editor when he died. Twain wrote 3 versions (2 unfinished) of this story before he died, and the manuscripts are the best his pen has ever created IMO. "The Mysterious Stranger Manuscripts" contains the three stories in their (unfinished) entirety and is a must read for any true Twain fan!