The Upcoming Iranian Election and the Potential for Change (Text and Context) (Reprint) - DC) Iran Times International (Washington

The Upcoming Iranian Election and the Potential for Change (Text and Context) (Reprint)

By DC) Iran Times International (Washington

  • Release Date: 2009-05-15
  • Genre: Reference


The tenth presidential election in the Islamic Republic of Iran, whose first round is held on 12 June 2009, promises to be a decisive event in the country's domestic and international politics. Indeed, the interplay between these two aspects is already evident as leading players and factions seek to position themselves in a way that will maximize public support--and perhaps equally important at this stage, define the agenda in ways that will benefit them. Of no one is this truer than Iran's incumbent president and candidate in the election, Mahmud Ahmadi-nejad. The political signals emanating from the country are as mixed as ever in the present, fluid situation where domestic economic troubles combine with suggestions of a cautious opening to dialogue with the United States. At the same time it is important not to conflate these domestic and international issues and to remain clearheaded when analyzing the prospects for change in Iranian policy.