Leaked Iran Paper Based on Intel That Split IAEA (Text and Context) (Reprint) - DC) Iran Times International (Washington

Leaked Iran Paper Based on Intel That Split IAEA (Text and Context) (Reprint)

By DC) Iran Times International (Washington

  • Release Date: 2009-10-16
  • Genre: Reference


Excerpts of the internal draft report by the staff of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) published online last month show that the report's claims about Iranian work on a nuclear weapon is based almost entirely on intelligence documents that have provoked a serious conflict within the agency. Contrary to sensational stories by the Associated Press and The New York Times, the excerpts on the website of the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) reveal that the IAEA's Safeguards Department, which wrote the report, only has suspicions--not real evidence--that Iran has been working on nuclear weapons in recent years.