Crossroads of the Apocalypse - Benjamin Wallace

Crossroads of the Apocalypse

By Benjamin Wallace

  • Release Date: 2024-07-23
  • Genre: Action & Adventure


He's got pirates behind him, sea monsters ahead of him and a boatload of passengers that refuse to get along.

It's been a year since the events in Niagara Falls.vThings have generally gotten better in the wasteland and civilization is starting to take hold along the rivers. No one knows where the Librarian is, or if he's alive, but there's a man and a mastiff running passengers from Hannibal to Cairo that might have an idea as to what really happened. Life is starting to return to normal along the river if you don't count the pirates and the sea monsters. But all of that is about to change and the end of the world may never be the same again. The Duck & Cover Adventures continue in Book 5, Crossroads of the Apocalypse. 

It's still the end of the world as you've never known it.