Deep in the jungle, he's going to beat evil to a pulp.
Damian Stockwell's friend has gone missing in a Central American jungle and the only clue left behind is the grotesque image of a demonic tribal mask. Dam and his trusted valet, Bertrand, rush headlong into danger and go face-to-face with evil incarnate in order to save their missing friend and attempt to destroy the Horror in Honduras.
It's action and adventure of the highest order in The Bulletproof Adventures of Damian Stockwell: Horror in Honduras.
About the series:
Raised from birth to be a force for justice, Damian Stockwell has forever trained to combat the evils of the world. Blessed with the physique of a demigod and one of the world's foremost minds, he travels the globe on a quest to confront evil and punch it in the face. At his disposal is a vast fortune, an endless array of gadgets and loyal friends.
Lovers of pulp fiction, meet Damian Stockwell. Doer of Good. Puncher of Evil.