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  • Confusing as heck

    By straighttalker198
    The title indicates “dragon” yet there is no mention of paranormal stuff or dragons. The book was way too long it could’ve been condensed into 400-500 pages. The story sounded good but the book sucked. I was able to skip 30+ pages and not be confused! I hate liars and Tyler is a liar! I’d think Mackenzie would rip Tyler a new one for lying the whole time since she’s a control freak! Just another cliche typical book where the woman just rolls over and accepts the males lies and deceptions. 🙄
  • A book you fall in love with

    By jojo5789!
    Wow the writing in this book is beautiful. You can feel the love the characters have for each other and the struggle Tyler has between the choice he has to make. Can't wait to read book two!
  • Chasing the dragon

    By Jamiedevans
    Never never disappointed with your books T.K Leigh. Love this book can't wait for the fall.
  • A little bit of everything: steam, mystery, suspense. Absolutely Fabulous.

    By Marianna17
    Most people don't know that Tyler is secretly working for his family's private security company. That he has been scoping out an asset for the past six months. Least of all her. His target. He is only meant to make her fall for him. To make her trust him implicitly so that she shares her deepest secrets and the intel he has been sent for. He never thought he would fall for her too. Mackenzie lives her life in a well planned out and organized manner. She has to because she simply can't face any heart break ever again. She doesn't have time for relationships but the night she meets Tyler changes everything. They fall fast and hard amidst numerous threats to Mackenzie. But the biggest threat of all may be to her heart. Oh. My. God. Move over Alexander because little brother has arrived and completely stolen the show. This story was just spectacular. It was filled to the brim with mystery and suspense and deceit plus lots and lots of steamy sexy times. While I absolutely enjoyed Ms. Leigh's Beautiful Mess Trilogy, I was not expecting to be so blown away by Tyler's story. I am still trying to wrap my brain around it all. Despite his deception, I love Tyler and I hurt for both him and Mackenzie. And I even hated Alexander a little bit at the end there - totally didn't see that one coming! It was all just so well written and even though I may think I know what is truly going on, I have a feeling that I am actually clueless. The truth could go in so many directions and I love that. I adored everything about this book and I am DYING for the next one to see how it all unravels. (Hint: cliffy alert)
  • Another

    By MA from MA
    Amazing first book in a series!!! Fall cannot come soon enough! I cannot wait to see what happens next for Tyler and MacKenzie!!!! I love the edge of your seat drama, the fiery passion, and the sweet love of this story!