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  • First Family

    By wadenof
    Superb as usual. Lots of twists and turns.
  • Great book and great story line

    By Dollybolly1
    Great read!
  • Excellent read!

    By MandieUSA
    Another great book by Baldacci!
  • Fabulous

    By rhymyjy6
    As the story unfolded, I was pulled in. I found myself so engrossed that it was like watching a movie.
  • First Family

    By R atzman
    A great suspense novel. Lot's of development opportunities for Sean & Michelle. With all of the characters, would be helpful to identify who they are on 1-2 pages as reference points!! Great Read!
  • First Family

    By CajunNewsGirl
    Love Sean and Michelle!!! They are in more than this book.. This book was awesome!!! David Baldacchi is an incredible spy thriller writer.. The best I have ever read.. Lots of research done and not a lot of fill in with over-descriptions, like so many other writers.... You can't put it down!!! It grabs you right from the start...
  • Great

    By Minmurona
    Great read, occasional typos. Worth the purchase.
  • First Family

    By jmills@millsretailre
    Definitely a winner. A can't put down book. Keeps you wondering the next move. Dave Baldacci is terrific and I am looking forward to reading his next book and seeing if this was fluke or he is a great writer. I will probably go with "A Great Writer" Jon - Chestnut Ridge
  • Reasonable Baldacci

    By CasdeW
    I have always liked the Baldacci books... This one, however, seemed to miss the mark. While it is an interesting story line, you can figure out large parts of the plot within the first 50-100 pages.