Long ago, the winds of war began to blow, threatening to tear apart both the magical and mundane civilizations on Earth. To avoid this devastating conflict the magical races decided to work together to create a portal to the enchanting world of Malati.
But now, three thousand years later, corruption at the highest levels is increasing tensions once again and things are far more complex than most people know. As a ward of the Steelblade Academy of Magic, sixteen-year-old Tobin Ammagan has often remained isolated from the political fray. That is until he discovers a classmate has become a pawn in the dangerous game of magical politics. Despite his dislike for the boy, Tobin's sense of justice compels him to take action. With the help of his friends, including Colin, with whom he shares a special bond, Tobin risks everything to do what he believes is right. The consequences of failure could mean a devastating war for the world, and a fate worse than death for Tobin. Will he be able to save his classmate and prevent a catastrophic war, or will his own magical powers, a part of his very soul, be stripped from him? Dive into this high-stakes, magical adventure and discover the true cost of doing what's right.
As with all books by James Matthews, this work contains non-stereotypical gay/bisexual main characters.