“The Fate of Dr. Eggman,” Part 2. Dr. Eggman has been located, but Sonic’s not the only one to find him! When Shadow comes, whose side will Sonic be on?!?
By SnowLordGuy
Gotta Go Fast
What’s my problem?
By Qfinite6IK13
I’m so dumb💀I purchased six of these books, and I didn’t think to get this one. I was caught up on the metal virus.
I love reading the ones of Espio the Chameleon. I was obsessed over the thought of Espio catching the metal virus, that I ended up forgetting about any other books. Next time I get more iTunes money I’m going to get this book first thing.
By NoJo3613
I really like this book the only thing is that it cost money I know you guys need to make profit but that’s not a good way to make profit.
I think I have to leave the storytelling to Corporal Zil.
By izkitty
This was a good book though. I saw more of the usual Sonic-Shadow fights, which was cool 😎. Plus a nice little twist in the story. What I really like has to be Shadow’s indecision on Mr Tinker’s “justice” or whatever. It was fun to see the character in the…well…character.
Overall, I say good job to IDW.
I sonic (shadow edition)
By Corporal Zil
Sonic: I run to town. With chameleon guy.
Eggys here! But he good now. His name Mr. tinker. I call him mr. Tinky. Then shadow show up. He ruin things. We race. He cheat and hurt me. He go zappy to eggman land. He realize mr. Tinky no threat. Uh oh 😰 there imposter guy! Gasp 😱! What I do?!? Oh…. Chili dogs. Shadow is there. He and I will battle run. I run now….wheeeee!!
Shadow: I no like sonic. He ruin everything. He made me wrong. Me no like him. I be grumpy now. Hmph 😤
If u want more “I sonic “ look in reviews of sonic issues.
loved it
By reejablues
it was great seeing more of the usual banter between sonic and shadow.
Shadow ❤️🖤🦔
By Sonia_Shadow787
I looooove this book! I am personally a HUGE fan of Shadow (and Sonia). Wait a sec. ... THERES TWO EGGHEADS!!! That’s not good 😬😱
#Shadonia *look it up*
- Sonia the hedgehog
By shadazeloverfan
It is cool that he is in sonic comics but why can't he have his own?
Shadow the hedgehog
By North Wales FC
Shadow is my favorite out of all characters watch sonic boom on Hulu then you understand
Ian Flynn, Daniel Barnes, India Swift, Evan Stanley, Ian Mutchler, Aaron Hammerstrom, Jonathan Gray, Thomas Röthlisberger, Abby Bulmer & Natalie Haines