Hush! You hear that? It sounds like Sonic’s racing off to another adventure and he’s not alone! But who is this “Guardian Angel” and why does everybody talk about her in a Whisper?
Sliver is in for 💔
By Corporal Zil
I think that sliver likes whisper but I think whisper may be gay since she an tangle kinda have a relationship thing going on.(not really but it seems like it.) BTW can you add like a drama relationship thing to sonic it’s kinda not really sonic tho but it might be cool
By NoJo3613
Whoever made this book is the best.
My name😎
By Manet sonic!
Hi is me but people don’t know me so my name is .magnet sonic. I’m the most powerful hedgehog even more powerful than hyper sonic I’m part exe. My power strength is 100,000,12. I can run 2,0000 miles per hour if I want to of to that speed. My friend is magnet sonic .ExE. I go to super magnet sonic,
sayion3 magnet sonic to god magnet sonic and magnet sonic EXE.
Sonic the hedgehog 🦔
By North Wales FC
Sonic the hedgehog
By tmntlover🐢
Silver and Whisper...awesome
By eveveve eveve
They both are awesome!!!team silver/whisper all the way🐺🦔
Ian Flynn, Daniel Barnes, India Swift, Evan Stanley, Ian Mutchler, Aaron Hammerstrom, Jonathan Gray, Thomas Röthlisberger, Abby Bulmer & Natalie Haines