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  • Why

    By cgbghbñ
    Zavok thinks he’s so cool and sometimes I just think he’s plain old bad
  • Sonic book

    By khalil and toka life
    What else is there to espect
  • Sonic is cute

    By htc the c rig cc eh dog ac
    i love you so much SonicYou'll be saving the world sonic sonic sonic sonic sonic sonic yay Watch me video and like like like a subscribe subscribe subscribe my name is ANKA follow me my friends
  • I sonic (metal virus edition final part)

    By Corporal Zil
    Today dark day for I. Metal virus infect world. We go angel island. We defeat deadly six. Suddenly we about to die. *Deep breath* AAAAAAHHHHH! We die! Noooooooooooo! Just then…. Chaos emeralds. Boom! Bam! Explosion noises! Knuckles now Zombot? Ahhhhhhh! We all dying zavok big now. Ahhh 😱. Chaos time! Sliver passes me emeralds. I just about to die no! JJust then silver hands me the last one. I SUPER SONIC!! WHEEEEEEE! Oh yeah. The virus. I get rid of zavok guy. (He probably dead now) and now virus is gone! YAY 😃 people happy. But oh no! Out of control poportal and I get sucked in. Waaaaa! I died! I dead! I dead body! Ahhhhh… wait? I’m not dead? Oh well…. Wheeeee! I can’t eat chili dogs cause I’m in space now! Yahoo! Oh wait.. that bad. Bleah. 😒
  • Green beans 2

    By gummy worm123
    The comeback
  • Green beans

    By lightsaber sonic
    Sonic the hedgehog 🦔
  • Response to the boo guy

    By tailsninja924
    Bruh this book is legendary stop just trying the vibe you reject of kid your a fatherless child you can’t talk lol
  • Sonic the hedgehog 🦔

    By North Wales FC
    Totally awesome 100%. On a scale of 1 to 10 I would say 💯. - sonic the hedgehog 🦔
  • Boo 👻

    By bethneymac11
    It’s the worst
  • The final battle...

    By ZoeNightdhade
    The chaos emeralds have been collected, that means(dun Dun DUN!)SUPER SONIC! This book was great! I love the boss battle! I hope the next book isn’t the last. If the next book is the last book, I’ll be blue(🎼da ba de da ba die🎼! Lol! Sorry, that songs been stuck in my head.)this series was amazing! The metal virus was like corona in a way.(note to author: was the metal virus based off of corona virus? If it is, it really got my hopes up that things will get better in the end. Thanks for helping me stay strong. I know somewhere out there will be the super sonic that saves the day!) -ZoeNightshade🏹🌙