“Crisis City, Part 2”! When a powerful ally succumbs to the Metal Virus, Omega and Sonic stand alone against an infected city. And even if they can save the remaining civilians from the zombots, will they be safe from Sonic?
Zombies Speedy blue Sonic the hedgehog
By myscue
Zombies shadow the hedgehog zombies silver the hedgehog
By izkitty
I am into Wof
I Sonic (metal virus Edition) part two.
By Corporal Zil
I sonic. Things not well here. Bad news. People get sick a lot. First people safe in safety place. Then zombots! Oh no 😱! Vector sacrifice self. Espio sad 😔 tangle also sacrifices. Whisper has freak out. She look weird in freak out. 😐 I getting sick to! Ahhhhhhhhh! Now shadow Zombot to! Hooray! Oh that not good either? Ahhhhhhgg! Again! So we doomed lost hex now here so…..chili dog over there. Can’t get it. It infected. Stupid metal virus! Oh more goop is on I. Time to run. Wheeeeeeee!
Dragon code?
Izkitty are you into Wof to?
By jgfhybyhfrfyubhuifefvvbhuvrg
So sad because sonic got hurt😢😢 now I’m mad!!!!🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬😡🤬😡😡🦔🦔🦔
Shadow the hedgehog 🦔
By North Wales FC
I know it’s crazy I’ve heard so far that it’s a good book, haven’t read it yet
By eveveve eveve
Among Us gurl gone
Omg! Shadow too?!?!
By ZoeNightdhade
Noooo! Shadow! He can be a jerk sometimes but still, that’s sad.
Stop hater
By Metal sonic🚨 r
To the jumbled letters person Sonic is better than your stupid review so sonic spin dashes you and then you die cause you are so much a hater so stop now
Ian Flynn, Daniel Barnes, India Swift, Evan Stanley, Ian Mutchler, Aaron Hammerstrom, Jonathan Gray, Thomas Röthlisberger, Abby Bulmer & Natalie Haines