The Dark Tower VII - Stephen King

The Dark Tower VII

By Stephen King

  • Release Date: 2004-09-21
  • Genre: Fantasy
Score: 4.5
From 1,121 Ratings


Creating "true narrative magic" (The Washington Post) at every revelatory turn, Stephen King surpasses all expectation in the stunning final volume of his seven-part epic masterwork. Entwining stories and worlds from a vast and complex canvas, here is the conclusion readers have long awaited—breathtakingly imaginative, boldly visionary, and wholly entertaining.

Roland Deschain and his ka-tet have journeyed together and apart, scattered far and wide across multilayered worlds of wheres and whens. The destinies of Roland, Susannah, Jake, Father Callahan, Oy, and Eddie are bound in the Dark Tower itself, which now pulls them ever closer to their own endings and beginnings...and into a maelstrom of emotion, violence, and discovery.


  • Cringe

    By yomommaoncrack
    Ong bruv, Stephen king really ruined this series with his narcissisism. I cringe and roll my eyes when ever he mentioned him self and any of his books In the dark tower. All he had to do was not write him self in it.
  • Wonderful!!!

    By michaela13
    Glad to finally finish this series!
  • Great story, ruined by an authors ego.

    By DatSawgDaddy
    Stephen King is one of the greatest writers of all time, and overall I’ve loved this series. However, it ticks me off to no end that Stephen King wrote himself as a major character in the last two books. If he wanted a brief cameo, that would be fine, but King has literally written himself as a god-like figure and a major plot point in the novel. For gods sake, if you want a book about you, write an autobiography!
  • Ending

    By Stonej1982
    A superb and extremely bittersweet conclusion to a series. Every Stephen King fan has to read the Dark Tower books in their entirety. "Childe Roland to the Dark Tower came" indeed. 🤓
  • Great ,however

    By Loe1240
    Really first class series , loved it all .....Except, Why does SK think inserting himself into the story did Anything to help. A literary screw up of epic proportions... The rest was fabulous ......Thanks...
  • The Dark Tower

    By Goldenbars
    Read the whole series in 2 months..awesome read-been raised on the "King style" of writing and currently 58 years old. Thanks for your hard work Steve-you are an inspiration. Sincerely, Bill
  • Closure

    By mjm11983
    I absolutely loved how it all ended, and it made the journey, and the mystery intertwined, all worthwhile. Very cool series. My first, but not final, journey, say thank ya.
  • Took me a bit to love the series…but I got to thinking...

    By potablemind
    Spoilers, and an untrained analysis. Trying to use Occam’s razor (in its true sense, not the pop-culture, dumbed-down version)…Since we know for a fact Mr. King has included himself (fictionalized or no) in the story, and assigns himself the bearer of the beam of ‘Gan’...I believe Stephen King's beams are representations of King's sense(s) of self (be they his stories, idea sources, love of life, or what have you): All with King’s objectifying of his own creativity and by being represented by the Tower itself. Whether they be six, 19, or 1999 in real number - the breaking of these beams symbolize his own ‘breaking’ of existing lines of stories and degradation of (insert personally held value here); all with his own creativity being represented by the Tower. We can readily see from what is actually put to paper, if the beam of ‘Gan’ (King, the creator) breaks (dies) the tower (his creativity) will not only fall, it will cease to ever be again. And, as this last ‘beam’ and the ’Tower' are the final ‘balance': If ether one of these two last pieces goes, it all goes from the perspective of further productions of works. Furthermore, time slows down on these other worlds as Stephen King’s mind-works(?) slow down. Not that he’s any slower mentally, or has any fewer faculties (I have no idea). But, if the beams bend (his various story ‘sources’ or lines of creativity are reduced in some way) the time between ‘events’ in them are greater or cease to move forward altogether Hence, things are perhaps winding down and time is slipping to a slower pace when compared to the ‘real world’ in those story lines still active, and things having 'moved on’ with regard to those mental warehouses King draws his stories from having ‘emptied’ or the stories themselves having been fully told. No one can say if these objective warehouses will ever be refilled or new ones created to house new ideas in real life or if he even wants them to, but for now - almost all have ‘moved on’. Climbing the tower? Roland overcomes his main adversary, the Crimson King (alcoholism?, some other self admitted failing?) but we know not what lies at the top of the tower. Much like Roland, we get to be ‘reset’ by whatever the 'top floor' creates next. His resetting of Roland’s path at the end of the Dark Tower’s final book seems to indicate anything is possible with regard to King’s future creations from this point forward, but none of what ‘was’ as it would be considered before this quest was put to paper will ever be again. Anyway…is there a renewal? Of a sort, I think. Roland's character gets reset - but that’s really as much as we know following the story. We go no further back into his history, we know not what novalties this new trip down a seemingly well worn path may produce, we know not even if it continues much past the point of it being reset. We only know that there are beams, and breakers, a Tower, and at least a hint of possibilities ahead. Perhaps we, the ‘constant reader’ are Roland, perhaps not. In any case, what more could we ask? Perhaps only, does he still dream?
  • Great until the final part

    By Brent Eks
    The wrong one of the ka-tet lived. That just sucked.
  • Best

    By Bdc1991
    This was the best book series i have read. I was hooked since the first book The Gunslinger. I felt like i was part of roland and his ka-tet the whole story, like i was on this journey with to End-World.