First in series
By FanoftheKings
Read this, it’s good (and else the rest will be too convoluted to follow)
By Angele's IPOD
I felt this book had a slow start. There were too many characters to keep up with, but right when I was about to abandoned it, it took a dramatic twist, and I couldn’t put it down! Now on to book two!
Good reading.
By Welsh Pony Lover
Difficult to put down. Good book.
Very engaging
By TKScrabble
Characters well-developed.
Good story.
Kept my attention.
Loved it.
Start of a series
By DKM2334
Unfortunately, I read the entire series. Each book ended with an unfinished story line. So, I kept reading. I’m giving this book a one, because I would encourage readers to not complete the series. The books get worse, and the series end is awful. I’m sorry I wasted my time reading these.
I’m enjoying this author!
By Courtney staton
Can’t wait to read all the books in this series!
Hated. Dated. Overrated.
By Reg4luv
Not sure if the problem with this book is just that it was written 20 plus years ago. It does not hold up well. The characters are all one dimensional and achingly, predicatably written.
The storyline is implausible. Won’t even go further than that.
I slogged though 25% of it determined to give it a chance, and then realized life is just too short to consume bad fiction. And as someone who reads at least three or four books a week , it’s not that I am unwilling to invest time reading.
The author proudly writes in her intro how she was so happy she dropped out of college to find her own writing voice. Maybe she should have stayed in college to develop a more mature perspective of the world and a more nuanced understanding of people that would help to envision fully formed characters.
It’s my understanding she has gone on to write many best selling thrillers; perhaps she gained that perspective with age herself. If not, best selling fiction has a pretty low bar. I guess anyone who can really write and envision a thrilling story is scripting tv or film now.
Okay but not as good as Slaughter’s later booke
By PierresFamily
Authentic and well-developed characters, suspenseful. But based on my personal experience working in the court system, this wasn’t as true to life as her later books. But she’s a very gifted writer. If this is your first Slaughter book, don’t let it prevent you from reading other ones. I am thankful I read them out of order.
By Iceboy622
I do not know where to start... This book was amazing to read and kept me wanting to read more and more. At first, I was taken back by how brutally detailed the book was. However, as the book goes along, it only gets better and better. Thank you to the book store for putting this book on clearance!
Very sad
By Meagan’s Mom
It's very sad to see a woman writer suggest that women enjoy being raped! And, in this case, the women had their feet and hands nailed to the floor.