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  • Very good story

    By sbsbrinson
    The story was very interesting and the characters were unexpected. I enjoyed the book overall!
  • Loved

    By viro1963
    I found this to be an interesting storyline. This author is one of my faves. Her characters are well developed and interesting as is the storyline. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
  • Heart of a Thief

    By jlcatron
    This was definitely a steamy can’t put it down book! I read it in one day. I loved the characters and also the message behind the story. That you should always treat others as you would like to be treated because what goes around always comes around. Karma will get you don’t!
  • Stealing someone’s happily ever after

    By Lana Blake
    Asher was only happy and content by wrecking other people’s happiness. Now he wants Sloan. However, nothing is as it seems. There are so many twists, turns, and surprises in this really great story. This particular author has the capacity to draw you into stories and characters with no effort. Truly a wonderful read with impeccable characters! I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review.
  • Different

    Asher is a surfer but deep down he is a thief. A thief of all types of things- cars, jewelry, money and women. Sloane is engaged to be married and Asher has his sights set on her. She is his next and biggest challenge! Will she fall victim to him or will she be different? I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.
  • Eh

    By straighttalker198
  • Decent Read

    By AM Kipp
    First and foremost, having read so many books by Ella Miles the last few years, this one took me by surprise. I’ve been working my way through her back catalog, and the best thing I can say about this one, is that it shows how much she’s grown as an author. Even other books in this series were more enticing, and better written. This one is stilted at times, and doesn’t show off what an amazing author she is. You want to like both characters, and they certainly have their moments. Asher is unapologetically who he is. Sloane is much the same. The both have good and bad, as anyone does. But the beginning of this book, and you are wanted as such, Asher is just mean. He hurts people for the sake of hurting them. Sloane is strong willed, and it serves her well. Especially when you get to know the characters a little better. They’ve both had some rough stuff happen. I will say that at the core, the characters remain true to who they are, while both growing, and growing up. If you’re trying to read all of the books by the author, you should read this. And to understand more about characters related. It is a standalone, but connected. It’s a quick read, and has some great moments.

    By Gibgirl
    This book was fantastic!! I absolutely loved it! I was hooked from the very first page!! I need more Asher and Sloane!!
  • Fantastic

    By Bonnie579
    Asher used to steal objects, cars, diamonds whatever he could get. Now he is in the business of stealing women’s hearts away from their fiancés. He makes them fall in love with him break up with her fiancé and then once he’s had them, he tosses them away. His best friend Luca keeps telling him one day it’s going to backfire. Oh ye of little faith. Enter Sloane, the woman who doesn’t succumb to his treacherous heart. She shuts him down at every opportunity. She is engaged to Wes, but Asher can see that she does not really love him. I don’t know why Asher steals the heart of women and destroys their marriage plans, but this book is great. The whole time you’re reading it you are thinking one of these days it’s going to bite him. You will love Asher and Sloan together even though they are not “dating.” Just start reading and hang on. You will not be disappointed.
  • A Dark story

    By PTators
    This is another dark story that I really didn’t like - but couldn’t put down. It was hard for me to read with the depths that deviants went to for their sick pleasure. It had areas that weren’t really believable to me, but overall it’s well written and a good read if you’re not faint of heart. A fast paced story, with criminal actions, involving betrayal and pain, revenge, and finally love, ending with an HEA. Disclosure: I received an advance copy of this book and am voluntarily reviewing it.