Chang-Rodriguez, Raquel, ed. Entre la espada y la pluma. El Inca Garcilaso de la Vega y sus Comentarios reales. Lima: Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, 2010. 242 pp. 978-997-242-9255 Inca Garcilaso studies, like others on canonical early modem authors whose works are available in various editions, have hastily acquired a kind of critical exhaustion that betrays repetitive and derivative treatises on well-thread subjects and themes, especially when various types of colonialisms and identity politics inform the interpretative goal. Along comes Entre la espada y la pluma, another collection superbly edited by Raquel Chang-Rodriguez (author of some seminal essays on the Inca), with contributions by recent and established specialists on the Peruvian author. The revised version of a 2009 symposium commemorating the 400th anniversary of the publication of the Comentarios reales de los incas--enhanced by Mario Vargas Llosa's authoritative preamble, "El Inca Garcilaso y la lengua de todos" and a conversation between him and Chang-Rodriguez--this compilation can become as invaluable as classic works on the Inca by Porras Barrenechea, Miro Quesada, and Durand.