Garcia-Corales, Guillermo. Dieciseis" entrevistas con autores chilenos contemporaneos: la emergencia de una nueva narrativa. New York: The Edwin Mellen Press, 2005. 283 pp. ISBN: 0-7734-5992-8 Garcia-Corales's book consists of sixteen interviews with several Chilean authors from the Generation of 1980 (also known as New Chilean Narrative, the NN, Emergent, Post-coup Generation and Generation of 1987) who have received national and international recognition: Pia Barros, Jaime Collyer, Gonzalo Contreras, Ana Maria del Rio, Ramon Diaz Eterovic, Mauricio Electorat, Diamela Eltit, Alberto Fuguet, Pedro Lemebel, Diego Munoz Valenzuela, Dario Oses and Hernan Rivera Letelier. Along with these twelve writers, Garcia-Corales's book includes an interview with the president of Chile's Society of Writers, Fernando Quilodran, and three other interviews with Chilean literature professors and critics Patricia Espinosa, Andres Gallardo Ballacey and Eddie Morales Pina. The topics of discussion range from sociopolitical issues --such as feminista, exile, neoliberalism and the democratic transition-- to literary topics --such as the neo-detective story, the new historical novel, writing from the margins, literary criticism and the contemporary Chilean cultural field in general. While differing in their treatment of this wide range of topics, all of the interviews deal with both the authors' perspectives on their own works published in the last fifteen years and the way in which those works have generated cultural debates.