La fuerza del teatro, pero tambien su contradiccion profunda, es que no puede sobrevivir si no es negando la memoria como memoria cualquiera de sus formas. En el, la memoria ya no es el signo del pasado. Se ha convertido en presente. (Feral 25) One can argue that there is not a more polemical figure in Mexican historiography than that of La Malinche. Almost five hundred years after her involvement in the Spanish conquest of Mexico, dona Marina, as she was known to the Spanish, or Malintzin as she was called in Nahuatl, has paradoxically come to represent both the traitor of the indigenous peoples and the mythological mother of Mexico. Sandra Messinger Cypess notes in her work La Malinche in Mexican Literature: From History to Myth, that the historical woman, whose own voice has never been registered, has been transformed into a sign within her culture's myth system (6). As Cypess shows in her comprehensive study, La Malinche has become a constantly evolving sign, found in a wide range of artistic texts throughout Mexican history.