The Argentine Novela Negra Critiques the 1990S in El Vuelo de la Reina by Tomas Eloy Martinez and El Muerto Indiscreto by Ruben Correa - Chasqui

The Argentine Novela Negra Critiques the 1990S in El Vuelo de la Reina by Tomas Eloy Martinez and El Muerto Indiscreto by Ruben Correa

By Chasqui

  • Release Date: 2010-11-01
  • Genre: Language Arts & Disciplines


Argentine journalist Miguel Bonasso has noted that Raymond Chandler would have been hard put to create a fictional plot that could outdo Argentine reality: En la Argentina contemporanea, el novelista policial Raymond Chandler se hubiera muerto de hambre, porque le hubiera costado encontrar una trama mas negra, perversa, intrincada y decadente que la que suministran los medios a diario. ("A manera de prologo" no pag.)