Schprejer, Alberto, ed. Quem e Capitu. Rio de Janeiro: Editora Nova Fronteira, 2008. 172 pp. ISBN 978-85-209-2083-1 On the hundredth anniversary of Machado de Assis's death (1908), one expects that the Brazilian Master's legacy would be commemorated in Brazil and among Brazilianists around the globe. Indeed, a 2008 issue of Luso-Brazilian Review dedicated to Machado and Quem e Capitu? most assuredly instantiate this commemoration. Without mentioning Machado's centenary, however, Schprejer in his introduction, "Vamos a historia dos suburbios," maintains that Machado's female characters in general and Capitu (from Dom Casmurro [DC]) in particular are incarnations of a reality beyond man's control.